Optimizing social media use will improve visibility of Yuzuku rooms and occupancy rate as well
Before booking a stay, most guests want to know what your facilities actually look like. Social media platforms will provide
future patrons with a "virtual tour" of all that you have to offer
Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words
In order to remain relevant, you need to understand how to harness the power of these social platforms in such a way that you're able to take your business to the next level with very minimal effort on your part
In the Hospitality industry guest experience is Key; it must be known and recognized throughout your loyal patrons and the future ones’ world network.
With more and more guests starting to share their experiences on social media, good or bad, hotels recognize the user-generated content as opportunities to leverage for lead generation, marketing, and guest engagement.
You may interject into competitors’ social media conversation to offer help or alternative proposals.Your loyal patrons are your best brand advocates; they will share their memorable experiences with
others. That means increasing your margin gross by resorting less and less to booking platforms.
With word of mouth and social recommendations being shared all around the social web today, it can be
very powerful to leverage all that content into a social hub. Using it correctly can lead to strong marketing
and guests engagement opportunities.
Social walls are becoming the strongest form of genuine advertising